WCF Ltd - H&S Policy Statement

Updated: February 2024                                                   

Date of next review: February 2025


Statement of Intent

We seek to attain the highest possible standards in Health and Safety (“H&S”) by ensuring that all incidents, no matter how small, are reported and investigated and remedial actions implemented. We are committed to providing the financial and physical resources to ensure our aims are achieved.

General Objectives

The objectives of our H&S Policy Statement are to:

  • Prevent accidents and ill health resulting from our activities;
  • Identify, minimise, mitigate and control risks through risk assessment; 
  • Maintain a safe place of work, including safe equipment and safe working practices; 
  • Ensure that hazardous substances are stored, handled, transported and delivered safely; 
  • Consult and provide sufficient information, training and supervision to enable all colleagues to contribute positively to their own and others’ H&S at work; 
  • Aim for a reduction in lost time incidents and near misses and ensure that all incidents are thoroughly investigated; 
  • Show progressive improvements in our annual audits; 
  • Ensure that suitable arrangements are in place to effectively monitor and manage H&S and report on performance to the Board; 
  • Comply with relevant H&S legislation and meet our statutory duties; and 
  • Adopt best practice in H&S systems and processes as appropriate.

This Policy Statement is reinforced by the existence of a detailed H&S Policy for each individual business, which contains clear documents regarding the policies, risk assessments, standards, procedures, responsibilities and duties required to effectively manage H&S. The policies are reviewed on an annual basis, benchmarked against best practice and updated accordingly.


Board Responsibilities

The overall responsibility and accountability for the health, safety and welfare at work of all employee owners and others who may be affected by the activities of WCF, including, but not restricted to, visitors, members of the public and contractors, vests with the Managing Director and Deputy Managing Director. They are supported in the achievement of this by the H&S Manager and Head of Estates and Facilities. These H&S responsibilities are delegated on a day-to-day basis within the individual business units to the General Managers. Transport Managers and Operations Managers. Formal reporting structure are in place at board level to monitor H&S performance monthly, including the number of incidents in proportion to the number of deliveries, lost time hours and the cost of any incidents. We benchmark our performance where possible.


Business Responsibilities

Each General Manager is responsible for ensuring that an appropriate H&S Policy is developed and implemented for their specific sites and areas of activity, and that adequate resource is assigned to H&S at a business level, as well as ensuring that any critical audit recommendations are implemented at the earliest opportunity. 

All work areas, activities and processes are subject to a systematic programme of risk assessment. These are effectively communicated to colleagues and others to whom they might apply. Written safe systems of work are produced to communicate safety instructions and training is given as appropriate. Our ongoing H&S compliance has been automated with the introduction of a reporting app which provides clear sight of any outstanding checks. We also use facilities management software to ensure that all planned preventative maintenance has taken place.

Alongside the group roles of H&S Manager and Head of Estates & Facilities, the General Managers of the business units, alongside their Transport and Operations Managers, continually review and monitor the effectiveness of their systems and make necessary arrangements through training, supervision, audit and inspection to monitor compliance and take remedial action to address any shortcomings discovered as a result of this process. Reporting of safety observations is encouraged as a proactive approach to improving these systems alongside feedback through the H&S committees and Fuels transport forums. Qualified third parties support us where appropriate.

Alongside our Head of People and Culture, the General Managers are responsible for taking the appropriate disciplinary action against any employee who has a disregard for the H&S Policy. Accidents, incidents, near misses and H&S activity are investigated thoroughly and reported to the Board monthly. The H&S Manager attends board meetings annually and has a free agenda at such meeting. 

Employee Responsibilities

All employee owners are required to actively co-operate with the H&S Policy by working with due regard to the safety of themselves and others. If they observe any practice that in their view does not conform to H&S standards or are instructed to carry out a work activity that they feel poses danger to their own H&S, they should report this immediately to their Line Manager. No employee owner should knowingly take any action that could endanger the safety of themselves or their colleagues. The successful implementation of this policy requires commitment from all employee owners. 

WCF expects and encourages similar support from contractors, members of the public and other visitors to its facilities.


Health and Safety Policy                                                         Health and Safety Policy

JL Ritzema                                                                    PJ Murray

Managing Director                                                      Deputy Managing Director                                                                          

February 2024                     

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