Protect your White Diesel from theft

Discover how using Diesel Defender can help protect your white diesel from being stolen

Since the use of red diesel for certain industries was banned in April 2022, we have seen a large increase in white diesel fuel thefts due to many more industries having to make the switch to this. Exocet have come up with a solution to help prevent this from happening!

Diesel Defender

What is Diesel Defender? 

There are billions of litres of fuel stored all over the UK which total to a value of millions of pounds, which therefore makes it extremely vulnerable to theft. No matter where the fuel is stored, it doesn’t mean it cannot or will not be stolen.

Diesel Defender is Exocet’s latest product, and it is a liquid blue dye which colours the white diesel green which acts as a deterrent to thieves. This dye will make the fuel personalised and easily identifiable. All white diesel looks the same unless action is taken!

What are the features and benefits of Diesel Defender?

Diesel Defender is usually recommended to use in white diesel for use in construction equipment, rail transport, forklifts etc and heating for commercial premises to deter the theft of the fuel and prevent significant financial loss. 

Diesel Defender is notified with HMRC and does not cause any changes to the fuel other than the colour and comes in minimum size of 200ml which treats 2000 litres of fuel at once.

White Diesel Theft

WCF Chandlers offers a full portfolio of lubricants and additives including industrial and automotive lubricants, oils and greases.

Contact our friendly team at 01476 584123 for a personal quote and start ordering the commercial lubricants, additives, and fuel you need to keep your business moving.